
This is the dream of a sixty-eight year old Harvard trained physician. He comments:

Two weeks after this dream I develop urethral colic and was diagnosed as having a kidney stone. For three weeks this painfully blocked my ureter and was spontaneously passed.


The representation here of the bodily situation by the dream is straightforward, and needs no further comment. It is interesting that that beginning of the dream specifically points to "body-surfing" -- a good clue that what follows does, indeed, pertain to the body. --- sparker


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Linking dreams with waking world events is easy to do in retrospect. I'm thinking of the famous dream journaled by Abraham Lincoln two weeks before his death where he dreamed a a famous person lying in state at the white House.
Even though the connection here may in retrospect seem obvious, I believe that it is only one layer of meaning to many layers (as was noted by others who commented). In my dreams, alien beings usually refer to an aspect of myself that I'm not happy with, that I see as strange and "bugs" can be metaphorical for "what Bugs me?"
"Swarming" has, for me, the feel of something overwhelming. The 'emotional' ambience of this dream is one of great annoyance and irritation. With what? How would the dreamer have interpreted this dream before the connection with the skin rash overrode any other interpretation?